March 16, 2015 How many times have you said the following to your friends, or have they said something like this to you? We were talking online, and then he asked for my number to make it easier to schedule
How Dating Deal Breakers Can Hinder Success

September 2, 2014 How many deal breakers is it appropriate to have when searching online for a partner? One, five, fifteen? There is no magic number, of course, and Patti Stanger of The Millionaire Matchmaker says that five is a
Is “Manning Up” the Answer?
June 23, 2014 There was a very popular post written the other day by a blogger named Matt Walsh called, Dear Single Dudes: It’s Time to Man Up. The gist of his article is that men are often commitment-phobic, and
Obstacles to the First Date
July 2, 2013 We all know what an obstacle is. According to our good friends Merriam and Webster, an obstacle is, “something that impedes progress or achievement.” Now, what if that “something” is you? In dating, there are so
The Three-Day Rule or the Three-Hour Rule?
December 11, 2012 You go on a first date Tuesday night, and you think it went pretty well. In fact, you’re sure it went pretty well. I mean, why else would your prospective new lover constantly let his or
November 16, 2011 I have an app on my iPhone that tells me the keywords people use to get to my website. When I checked the list of keywords for the last month, the top 10 results (excluding the