June 18, 2015 Not that I take Urban Dictionary as gospel (I’d have some problems if I did!), but when it comes to the definition of “dating,” the usually off-color site does a surprisingly good job of defining the word.
Are you a PSP or a DO?
October 11, 2012 If you know me at all, you know I’m a happy person. Like, sunshine and rainbows happy. Lollipops and daffodils happy. Springtime and gumdrops happy. And I’m an eternal optimist, truly believing that the glass is half
To Friend or Not to Friend? That is the Question.
To Friend or Not to Friend? That is the Question. June 30, 2011 Now that Facebook has basically taken over the world, it’s hard to know the appropriate “friending” etiquette as it relates to the dating scene. I get
The Rule of Two
The Rule of Two March 30, 2011 I have been on some bad dates, some less “bad” than others, of course. Back in 2005, I went on a first date to a Mexican restaurant in D.C. for dinner. (To