December 22, 2017 Over the years, I’ve been known as LovesLifeDC, SassyScotchLover, SmartNSassy, and SassClassWhisky. No, these aren’t nicknames I got from friends in college or at my first job. These were all of my usernames on the dating site
Online Dating: Then and Now
September 22, 2014 Online dating has been around for a while now. In fact, first opened its proverbial doors back in 1993! As you may know, I was actually a very early adopter of online dating, using JDate back
How Dating Deal Breakers Can Hinder Success

September 2, 2014 How many deal breakers is it appropriate to have when searching online for a partner? One, five, fifteen? There is no magic number, of course, and Patti Stanger of The Millionaire Matchmaker says that five is a