February 9, 2015 Ah, Valentine’s Day. Some people love the chocolates and flowers. Some people hate the saccharine Hallmark cards that permeate the aisles. And, of course, some people choose to treat February 14th as just any other day of
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks
January 26, 2015 I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a literature buff. I vaguely remember reading Romeo & Juliet in high school, but that’s really the extent of my knowledge. (I did used to think it was interesting
The Top Five Online Dating Findings from 2014
December 29, 2014 Do you like to travel? Me, too. Apparently so does everyone else on Match.com. How do I know this? Match.com just came out with its 2014 Year in Review report, and below are the top five highlights:
Let’s Go Shopping… For a Date?
December 15, 2014 I mentioned once that I felt a bit like Carrie Bradshaw when I sat down to write my first ever dating column many years ago. Just as Carrie would have shopped for clothes on Sex and the
Is “Ghosting” the New Post-It Note?
November 6, 2014 In the days before texting and Tinder, there was actual talking and the art of the real, in-person conversation. Even on Sex and The City, when Berger broke up with Carrie on a (dare I say it?)
Online Dating: Then and Now
September 22, 2014 Online dating has been around for a while now. In fact, Match.com first opened its proverbial doors back in 1993! As you may know, I was actually a very early adopter of online dating, using JDate back
How Dating Deal Breakers Can Hinder Success

September 2, 2014 How many deal breakers is it appropriate to have when searching online for a partner? One, five, fifteen? There is no magic number, of course, and Patti Stanger of The Millionaire Matchmaker says that five is a
How to Win the Dating Game
July 30, 2014 I play mahjong. It’s true. I know I’m a bit younger than the average-aged player (though I’m not sure why it trends that way!), but I love my weekly mahjong games. I play with a group of
Is “Manning Up” the Answer?
June 23, 2014 There was a very popular post written the other day by a blogger named Matt Walsh called, Dear Single Dudes: It’s Time to Man Up. The gist of his article is that men are often commitment-phobic, and
Catch a Date with “Email Bait”
April 24, 2014 Have you ever come across an online dating profile that you like, you want to send a message, and then you have a strong bout of writer’s block? It turns out you’re not alone. Many people have no
Sharks Aren’t Sexy
March 27, 2014 According to the handy dandy calendar that each city has (I know in DC, I often look at Gregslist), there are quite a few events coming up all around the country. I have no doubt that many
No Catfish Tonight For Me
March 13, 2014 When people hear the term “online dating,” they don’t always know what it means. Here’s what it doesn’t mean: Having a virtual girlfriend or boyfriend Dating in your pajamas for the rest of eternity while eating a
Tips for Dating Bliss in 2014
January 21, 2014 Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? It’s a new year, and with that comes a new outlook, maybe some new clothes, and, of course, some new people on all of the online dating sites. (And don’t
Let’s Give Thanks To… Technology?
November 25, 2013 Every Thanksgiving, my family has a tradition (as I’m sure many do) of going around the table and listing what we’re thankful for this year. I couldn’t ask for a more poignant way to show my thanks.
Talk the Talk & Walk the Walk
October 22, 2013 I still remember that in high school, when the entire calculus class looked clueless about the necessity of integrals in our lives, our teacher, Mr. Opre, told us to “talk the talk and walk the walk”
Living Conversation to Conversation
September 4, 2013 Isn’t it exciting when you meet someone and finally feel that long sought-after connection that you were beginning to think was rarer than an eclipse? The first date went really well. There’s no question about
“Paws” Before Posting: Curb Your Desire to Hide Deal Breakers
August 5, 2013 About three months ago, I went to adopt a dog. This was a big step for me since, as a young girl, I was bitten by my neighbor’s dog (and still have the scar to prove
Obstacles to the First Date
July 2, 2013 We all know what an obstacle is. According to our good friends Merriam and Webster, an obstacle is, “something that impedes progress or achievement.” Now, what if that “something” is you? In dating, there are so
The Bar Test
April 23, 2013 Have you ever wondered whether you made the right choice to be exclusive with someone? If you’re questioning things, then you have a few choices: You could write a pro/con list (though, this might be up
The Curse of the Empty Adjective
March 18, 2013 I’m smart, funny, and attractive. I’m humble, successful, and kind. I’m romantic, thoughtful, and trustworthy. I’m sexy, passionate, and fearless. I’m compassionate, honest, and friendly. How many times have we seen lines like these in online
He Likes Me For Me
February 14, 2013 Tips for creating an online dating profile that attracts the right people. It’s hard to write your online dating profile, isn’t it? Even if you’re a professional writer, when it comes to putting pen to paper