“What can I write in my profile to attract the kind of person I’m looking for?” This is a question I get from clients almost daily. In their mind, they have a target partner. Let’s say this “target” is a
“I Just Didn’t Feel the Connection”
A Virtual Date is Still a Date
How Not To Ghost
“Why Can’t I Find a Man of My Caliber?”
Red Flags, No Information, and Double Messaging… Oh My!
The “Talking-Phase” Turn-Offs
Do You Know Your Dating Lingo?
Everything You Need to Know About Dating During Coronavirus

COVID-19 isolation, or social distancing, has two conflicting impacts on the dating world: 1) People are using the online dating sites more, and many sites have reported the surge in usage, but 2) People cannot go on actual, in-person dates right now. So how do you reconcile these two opposite things?
The Case for Crawling to the Altar
5 Reasons to Revamp Your Dating Strategy
What To Do If You Hate Dating

I just got off the phone with a potential client. She’s in her mid-60s, lives in New York City, is accomplished, and wants to find a partner now that she’s been divorced for a number of years. All of this sounds par for the course in terms of my regular clientele. Most people I work with are in the same predicament: divorced or widowed and looking to spend the rest of their lives with a loving partner.
Texting is the Death of the First Date
Looking for “The One”? Try Dating NATO.
6 Dating App Mistakes You’re Making… And How to Fix Them
A Tweak or Rewrite Can Make All the Difference
How Important is Height Really?
Maybe This is Why You’re Single
Can We Apply the KonMarie Method to Relationships?
5 Steps to Dating Success in 2019
Chivalry vs. Equality in Dating
November 12, 2018 I was reading some comments on a dating article last week, and they highlighted a point that I already knew: In this day and age, there are two opposing forces—chivalry and equality. (Please note that in this
This is How to Properly Plan a Date
October 16, 2018 I have an account on Instagram where I post dating messages. Sometimes they’re ones I’ve received myself, sometimes friends’ messages, clients’ messages, or messages submitted to me by other users of Instagram. The common theme of these
The Conflicting Incentives of Online Dating Sites
October 16, 2018 The founders of online dating sites like Match, JDate, and even Tinder (which is owned by Match) want you to use their sites to meet a significant other. Online dating makes it so much easier to connect
8 Things NOT To Do On a First Date
September 1, 2018 Having your phone out or texting someone else It’s rude—plain and simple. When you have your phone out, the other person assumes that you’re looking for better plans or would jump to leave at the first ding
Women’s Top 5 Dating Pet Peeves
July 26, 2018 This article is for anyone trying to get a date with a woman. As a woman myself, and working with 65% female clients of all ages, I have some insider information on what women want when it